Saturday, December 4, 2010

first post

I'm slightly embarrassed at having created a blog.

Blogging was one of those internet phenomena that I thought only weird people got into, like "liking" hundreds of things on Facebook or looking at random, subtitled pictures of cats.

Sadly, I've done both the latter, and my friend finally convinced me to get a blog. I'm not sure what I'm going to talk about in here, but I know that if I ever run out of ideas, memegenerator will save my ass.

Coming up with a name for the blog was the hardest part of getting started. I had some weird ones thought out, and I created one with the name "A Simple Little Idea" (after something Leonardo DiCaprio says in Inception), but that sounded pretty stupid 10 seconds later, so I deleted it.

Then this morning, I was talking to my sister as she was cleaning out her computer and found that she had an old Word document with possible book titles, should she ever decide to write a biography. At the top of the list was "Living Life to the Limit: How i Solved My Imaginary Problems". I told her I was going to steal the title, and promised her a dedication if I ever wrote a book.

When I typed it into blogspot, they told me it was too long, so after a quick cry, I decided to shorten it. And this was the result.

The "i" in the title isn't capitalized because it's supposed to be the imaginary number, hence the "imaginary problems" part of the title. This was amazing to me this morning, but anyone reading this probably thinks I'm insane...

Hopefully this blog will skyrocket me to fame and fortune, but if it doesn't, that's OK. As long as I don't end up arrested for revolutionary writing (which I don't plan to do much of), I'll be happy. 

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